VitaFerm® ONE Mineral Block

A pressed vitamin and mineral block for beef cattle designed to promote cattle performance year-round.



  • Contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility.
  • Meets or exceeds nutrient requirements throughout the production cycle in an easy-to-use pressed block.
  • Formulated with research-proven organic copper and zinc for enhanced bioavailability.


VitaFerm ONE Mineral Block is for ruminant animals only. Adequate roughage must be available at all times. Intake of this product should average 4-6 oz. per head per day. DO NOT FEED TO OVERLY HUNGRY OR STARVED ANIMALS, AS OVER CONSUMPTION MAY OCCUR. This product has been designed for free-choice feeding to cattle on pasture. Blocks may be fed on the ground, but it is recommended to feed in bunks or boxes. Protect this product from heavy rains to minimize waste. Place blocks at a ratio of not less than one block per 10 to 12 head. A 10 day supply of blocks may be put out at one time. This product is fortified as a vitamin/mineral supplement to forage or pasture-based systems. This product is not a complete feed and must be fed with pasture and/or roughage source. Consumption can be managed by: • TO PROMOTE HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSUMPTION: Increase number of blocks available. Relocate blocks closer to loafing, water, or feeding locations. • TO REDUCE LEVELS OF CONSUMPTION: Reverse above practices. • OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS: Provide unlimited drinking water. Provide adequate roughage in terms of both quantity and quality. Monitor consumption closely and employ above management practices to help control animal intake.


  • Sheep


See product tag for ingredient listing