Dakota Dalrymple, 3D Cattle Co

Dakota Dalrymple, 3D Cattle Co.

“When we get our calves in, we process everything with the Vita Charge® Drench and turn them out to pasture with the Gain Smart® mineral. While they are on grass, all my calves probably put on an extra quarter pound per day and just look bloomy. When we bring them in to the yard, I feed them a total mixed ration that includes the Gain Smart Balancer RU1600. I’ve ran my own tests where I feed the balancer mineral and regular grazing mineral, and the groups on the Gain Smart Balancer always out perform the test groups by at least 0.2 of a pound per day. I’m not sure if it is the Amaferm® or Rumensin® or a combination, but Gain Smart is the mineral that works best for me.”