Dwayne Graves

Dwayne Graves

“I just started using VitaFerm® in January this year. The cattle weren’t in great shape after the hard winter. Around this same time I purchased 100 head of first-calf heifers that were in very poor condition, and the calves they were nursing where pulling their body conditions down. They were not coming back into heat, bulls weren’t getting them bred and overall I noticed no breeding activity. I bought a couple of VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Tubs to try because the hay I was feeding was middle- to low-grade and I knew they needed more. After seeing tremendous results, I have now bought a pallet load of the mineral and protein tubs with Concept•Aid and the cattle are heavily using them. The cheaper tubs I had tried in the past would just sit for months until I think they just rotted, not the case with the VitaFerm products! Cattle have been on the Concept•Aid now about 45 days and all bulls are busy doing their job, cattle are getting bred, appetite seems to be up and body condition is vastly improved! I have ordered a pallet of VitaFerm HEAT® to start getting ready for warmer weather!”