Paula Brown

Paula Brown

“All ranchers go through good times and tough times. My family’s ranch is the same. Last year’s calving season was going wonderful with no troubles. That all changed in a blink of an eye. We we’re losing calves left and right. The vets were helping us out with all of the new medication that they could think of. It slowed the pneumonia down but it didn’t stop it. We were at a loss, then I started thinking. I had been to a meeting where VitaFerm® was talking about their products. I contacted my friend who was a local dealer and told her what was going on. She suggested the VitaFerm loose mineral Concept•Aid® Mag/S. When I placed out the loose mineral with salt, the cows and heifers started eating it up. With the calves seeing this they started eating. I was putting mineral out left and right because they were cleaning it up. After about two weeks they slowed down. In that time frame we started losing less and less calves. The little creatures were getting stronger and their mothers looked healthier, too. As this was going on I was learning more about the VitaFerm products. I truly believe that they are what saved our calf crop. The little calves digestive tracts were able to process the milk that their mothers were producing. Allowing for the antibiotics to work along with their natural antibodies in their intestinal system. The cows immune system grew stronger with the mineral, too, allowing the calves to get the natural immunity they needed from their mother. With a healthy gut the calves grew stronger all summer long. Sometimes medicine works, but in the end, it was a natural product that saved our calf crop.”