There are some things in life that a person just should not skimp on. A quality mineral program is one of them.
“In a drought year, mineral is even more important,” said Scot Holcombe of Holcombe Ranch in Barnsdall, Oklahoma.
Holcombe and fellow Oklahoma cattle feeder, order buyer and stocker grazer Randy Heflin depend on the Amaferm® advantage found in the Gain Smart® mineral from BioZyme® Inc., to keep their calves healthy and gaining, particularly in a year like this year. They share their story about producing pounds during tougher than usual drought conditions in an upcoming episode of The American Rancher on RFD-TV that airs Monday, September 5.
Heflin, who owns and manages WTW Inc, backgrounds 10,000-12,000 head annually. He says demand for all-natural, NHTC and GAP cattle continues to grow, and use of the Gain Smart mineral allows those cattle to qualify for those programs.
“When we started grazing the program cattle and the all-natural cattle, we became aware of Gain Smart that would keep our cattle natural and also contained Amaferm, which also helped with the conversion of our forages available. This helps with our stocking rate and our daily gains,” he said.
Amaferm is a prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying the nutrient supply for maximum performance. It is research-proven to increase intake, digestion and absorption. Amaferm gives producers another technology to use during these challenging times.
Tune into the American Rancher to learn more about the Gain Smart mineral and the Amaferm advantage. This episode featuring Holcombe and Heflin discussing Gain Smart will air at 9 PM, EDT, Monday, September 5. The show re-airs at 1 AM, Tuesday, September 6 and again at Noon, Sunday, September 11. Be sure to set your DVR if those dates and times don’t work for you.
To learn more about the four types of Gain Smart mineral or to find a dealer near you, visit www.gainsmart.com.