Receive or wean calves with VitaFerm® Cattle Drench
Weaning times almost always means calves are faced with several immediate changes: environment, herd groups, nutritional intake and all while be separated from their mother. And while weaning can be very stressful to the calves, the same period can also be stressful on the producer who strives to keep the calves healthy, eating and growing all during this time of transition.
Keeping calves healthy at weaning, not only improves animal comfort and wellbeing, it helps with increased rate of gain. Additionally, it can also reduce medical expenses and cost of labor to treat sick calves.

What is it?
A drench for cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Conveniently designed for processing large groups of ruminating cattle.
What's the benefit?
Within the first 48 hours of receiving or weaning calves, use the VitaFerm® Cattle Drench to:
- Jump start feed and energy intake
- Stimulate the cattle's immune system
- Allows maximum effectiveness of weaning time vaccinations

We use VitaFerm® Cattle Drench to help with digestibility through that stressful time when we put our bull calves in our bull development program. We target for them to gain 3.25 pounds per day. As we ran those trials into February, we weighed the bulls every 30 days. With the usage of the product and the fast start that they got, out of 170 bulls, I had six bulls not gain at least 3 pounds per day. The rest were 3.80, and we had a huge number of those calves that were up over 4 pounds, so they just really excelled in performance. It’s been tremendous. We’ve been very happy with it."
Helpful Tools For Weaning With VitaFerm® Cattle Drenchh

Set your Calves up for Grazing Success
There’s no better time of year than spring when the grass is turning green, and you are getting ready to turn out cattle. Regardless of if you are weaning your own calves or buying stockers to turn out, you will…
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Nutrition Keeps Calves Healthy, Performing on the Last Frontier
Northern Minnesota. Picture it. Lakes and woodlands. Prime hunting and fishing. The great outdoors. Premier cattle country. And the home to Wilde Angus Ranch, located at Shevlin. Wayne and Deb Wilde started their cattle operation in 1972 with commercial cattle.…
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Stop the Stress, See Added Returns
Stress. Anxiety. Tension. All of these are emotions that cattle producers deal with during their daily routines. Add pens of stressed-out bawling calves yearning for their mamas, and that tension might even escalate for a week or so at weaning…
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Start calves off on the right foot with VitaFerm® Stress Tubs

What is it?
A tub for cattle designed to support digestive health and intake. (Formerly known as Vita Charge® Stress Tub.) Now includes a heat tolerant probiotic to work synergistically with Amaferm® to replenish and stimulate gut bacteria. Conveniently allows beef cattle to get their daily dose of VitaFerm® without additional handling.
What's the benefit?
During the first 7-21 days, use the VitaFerm® Stress Tubs to:
- Promotes feed and water intake
- MOS to help trap bad bacteria, limiting their ability to do harm
- Increases digestibility to maximize the energy value of feed for more gains
- Pre- and pro-biotic approach provides synergy for a 1 + 1 = 3 effect on cattle health and performance.

Thaler Land and Livestock
When we wean, and we go right to VitaFerm® Cattle Drench, I’ll go 45 days without any issues, usually. Those calves seem to come out of the drench, hit the stress tubs, and go straight to the bunk. I’ve had no issues the last three years that we’ve used the products."
Helpful Tools For Getting Started With VitaFerm® Stress Tubs

Give your Calves a Jump-Start the Natural Way
Taking chances usually isn’t easy. In fact, it can be down-right scary. Cody Murphy, owner of Standing M Livestock at Greenville, Ala., faces a lot of challenges, as he preconditions high-stressed, high-risk, weaned calves straight from the sale barn and…
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Tips For Managing Consumption on Cooked Molasses Tubs
Cooked molasses tubs, like the Vita Charge® Stress Tub, VitaFerm® 30-13 Protein Tub, and the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Tub, are convenient and cost-effective cattle supplements that help producers enhance animal performance and limit waste. However, to truly maximize their cost-effectiveness, proper consumption…
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Grow them with a product fit for your program

What is it?
Gain Smart® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle with the Amaferm® advantage that promotes economically produced pounds by maximizing the natural energy and protein available in forage. VitaFerm and Gain Smart are recognized by Superior Livestock Auctions as the first and only nutrition programs in their line up of value-added programs.
What's the benefit?
When fed 45-100 days
- Promotes calf vigor and health
- Stimulates digestion and increases nutrient uptake for optimum gain
- Supports hoof health and immunity
- Accurately supplements minerals lacking in pastures and rectifies mineral imbalances.

The Tennessee Ridge
This year I only had three head that were so small they didn’t match. The other 132 averaged 901 pounds. I’ve been running pretty much the same cattle for 20 years on this place, and they have never averaged 900 nor had that few to sort off. With the better performance at home, and lower death loss during transport and the 48 hours following arrival, the extra cost over our previous mineral program was a good investment. These results were good enough that we will be feeding Gain Smart Stocker HEAT to all our steers the remainder of the summer and next year.
Grow them with a product fit for your program

What is it?
VitaFerm® is a line of beef cattle nutrition supplements purposefully crafted to maximize energy and forage utilization at every stage. The products are formulated to ensure your herd is receiving optimal digestive health and nutrition at every stage of production resulting in performance that pays.
Available Product Lines