Best Pasture Grass to Plant in Spring 

Selecting the Best Pasture Grass to Plant in Spring 

Now that you have determined the best grass for cattle grazing, you will want to maintain those pastures to your optimum. Although it would be nice if the grass could just replenish itself, that just does not happen. Part of good land stewardship is planting and maintaining new growth of grasses on a regular basis.  […]

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Best grass for cattle

How to Determine the Best Grass for Cattle 

Some stocker operators consider themselves beef cattle raisers. Others consider themselves grass farmers. Either way, they are stewards of the land, raising beef safely and sustainably. But how do they determine the best grass for cattle? There is definitely a science and art behind it.  Selecting the best grass for cattle grazing is crucial in […]

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grass tetany in cattle

How to Prevent Grass Tetany in Cattle 

Stocker operators and backgrounders have enough challenges to deal with in today’s industry. Potential sickness, grass shortages, environmental hardships and market fluctuations—to name a few. You shouldn’t have to worry about grass tetany during spring turnout, too.   Grass tetany, also known as grass staggers or hypomagnesemia, is a metabolic disorder in cattle caused by low […]

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Grass Tetany

Grass Tetany in Stocker Cattle: A Complete Overview 

With snow covering much of the United States, it is hard to picture lush green grass. However, that snow’s moisture and sunshine will generate lush green grass before we know it. That grass could eventually lead to challenges, including grass tetany.   Grass tetany, also known as grass staggers or hypomagnesemia, is a metabolic disorder commonly […]

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grazing cows on wheat pasture

Grazing Cows on Wheat Pasture 

Grazing cows on wheat pasture is a common practice where wheat is an economical source of gain throughout the Southern Plains and Midwest. Many high-quality nutrients are available in wheat pasture for late fall and winter grazing.   It is more common to turn stockers out on wheat pasture. However, grazing cows or pairs on wheat pasture […]

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Supplementing cattle on pasture

Supplementing Cattle on Pasture   

Cattle producers are the original land stewards. They take care of the land because they know the land takes care of the cattle they raise. However, in the winter months, when many of the native grasses go dormant, the nutritional value of grass cannot support all the cattle on pasture. That is why supplementing cattle […]

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how to start a stocker cattle operation

How to Start a Stocker Cattle Operation 

Starting in the stocker cattle business can be a profitable and rewarding enterprise. However, definite challenges also exist. Like any business venture, it requires careful planning, knowledge, management and the proper resources.  At BioZyme®, our mission is to provide care that comes full circle to every animal and every person we encounter. We know that […]

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cost of cattle

Cowboy Math: With the Cost of Cattle, Using Gain Smart Adds Up

Cattle prices are at near record highs. That means one thing. Sellers are taking advantage of the market, and buyers are paying. Don’t let the cost of cattle deter you from getting your next set of calves to background, turn out on wheat or put on winter pasture.   Like everything else, the cost of cattle […]

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how much does it cost to raise cattle?

How Much Does It Cost to Raise Cattle? 

How much does it cost to raise cattle? That is a million-dollar question. Lucky for you, we have a definitive answer. A lot. Just like everything in our world, the cost of cattle production is on the rise. And it varies from operation to operation.   At BioZyme®, the makers of Gain Smart®, we understand that […]

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cattle production and management

Cattle Production and Management Resources Include Quality Nutrition 

Stocker operations. They are the middle step of the cattle production cycle. The cow-calf producer raises the calves up to weaning. After a few months of growing and developing those calves, the backgrounder will ship them to the feedyard. There, they will finish maturing, put on finish and muscle before going to their final destination.  […]

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