Gain Smart Program for Weaned Calves

It’s weaning time. Whether you are retaining your own stocker calves or getting them in from other producers, it is important to have a plan to grow those calves in a healthy, efficient manner. The Gain Smart® Stocker Program is one program dedicated to growing cattle in three easy steps. The Gain Smart Program is built around Amaferm®, a natural prebiotic designed […]

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BioZyme Introduces HEAT into Gain Smart Line

BioZyme® Inc. is excited to introduce Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT®. The new product combines essential ingredients from the popular HEAT mineral with Gain Smart Stocker, providing a nutritional supplement for yearling stockers that will naturally help regulate internal temperature and combat flies. “We felt like this combination was a fairly logical fit for summertime grazing,” […]

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Gain Smart is Faster Way to Achieve Gain

Beef producers understand the need to maximize efficiency. That is why BioZyme Inc. developed the Gain Smart mineral line for stockers and backgrounders. Gain Smart mineral is designed to balance basic nutrient needs for maximum efficiency and contains Amaferm®, a natural prebiotic designed to maximize the nutritional value of feed. Amaferm is research-proven to increase […]

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Health Considerations When Commingling Stocker Cattle

Freshly weaned calves are already fighting a compromised immune system. Combine that with shipping them on a semi for several hours and commingling them with other groups of calves you’ve purchased elsewhere, and their health system is compromised even further. However, you can implement these best management practices to make sure your stocker calves stay […]

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It’s Shipping Time: Keep Calves Healthy During the Transition

Shipping cattle causes shrink, appetite loss and often sickness. Taking precautionary steps both prior to shipping and on arrival, can help keep shrink at a minimum while keeping calves healthier and gaining. Generally, cattle will shrink 1% of their body weight per hour for the first few hours they are off feed and water, and […]

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Wean with Confidence with the Gain Smart Program

It’s weaning time. Whether you are retaining your own stocker calves or getting them in from other producers, it is important to have a plan to grow those calves in a healthy, efficient manner. The Gain Smart® Stocker Program is one such program dedicated to growing cattle in three easy steps. The Gain Smart Program […]

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Considerations for Buying Feeder Calves

Health. Source. Genetics. Size. Condition. All of these are factors that cattle buyers should take into account when buying their next load of calves to background on grass or put into a feedlot. A healthy calf is going to eat and grow more efficiently so health is of the utmost importance. Be sure to know […]

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Gain Smart Mineral: Which One Should You Use?

Pounds of gain equal pounds of product, and pounds of product equal dollars in the bank. BioZyme® Inc., understands that those in the beef industry are always looking for ways to increase efficiency, and with that in mind, offer the Gain Smart® mineral line for stockers and backgrounders. There are four mineral options: Gain Smart […]

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Gain Smart Program is Smart Way to Receive & Grow Cattle

As backgrounders and feeders start getting in their stocker calves, it is important for them to have a plan in place to help grow those cattle in a healthy, efficient manner. Gain Smart® Stocker Program is one such program dedicated to growing cattle in three easy steps. The day those calves come off their mothers […]

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