“You’ve got to know when to hold ’em; know when to fold ’em.” If the lyrics of this age-old Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler” sound familiar to you, you might be in the cattle business. But, with proper planning, adequate resources and some helpful advice, you can reduce the gamble, and turn existing pasture land […]
Consumer Demand Influences Gavel Price on Sale Day
Today’s beef consumers have more options than ever before. Beef isn’t just the protein of choice saved for special occasions, like Grandma’s Sunday pot roast or a fancy T-bone grilled especially for you on your birthday or anniversary, it has become an everyday staple in American diets. Beef consumers now have access to more specialty […]
Give your Calves a Jump-Start the Natural Way
Taking chances usually isn’t easy. In fact, it can be down-right scary. Cody Murphy, owner of Standing M Livestock at Greenville, Ala., faces a lot of challenges, as he preconditions high-stressed, high-risk, weaned calves straight from the sale barn and prepares them for backgrounding on rye grass. Throughout the year, Murphy contracts load lots of […]
How Nutrition Plays a Key Role in Animal Gains
When it comes to your cattle feeding operation, pounds matter. The more pounds your animal gains in a shorter period means the animal is more efficient and consequently, you should see a greater return on your investment. But what factors influence those gains? Certainly, genetics play a role, but so does the nutrition you provide […]
When You Can’t Afford Not to Use a Mineral Program
With the ringing in of a new year and the ups and downs of the cattle cycle, it’s reassuring to have a tool in the cattle feeding business that will help decrease costs and minimize health risks to calves during one of the most stressful times of their lives. With three simple steps and just […]
Natural Ways to Help Reduce the Risk of Bovine Respiratory Disease
It can be a challenge to keep stocker cattle healthy. Temperature swings, moisture, poor ventilation and commingling with calves from other points of origin are all stressors that impact the calves’ overall health and performance and can lead to Bovine Respiratory Disease or BRD, the leading cause of sickness in cattle. Even healthy-appearing cattle can […]
How to Prepare a Health Management Plan for your Stockers
Just like any group of livestock you are handling, you need a solid health management plan for your stocker cattle. After being freshly weaned from their mamas or hauled in by a semi, these young, stressed cattle can be more susceptible to sickness than older calves. Knowing what kind of cattle you’ll be getting and […]
Good Nutrition Helps Keep Cattle in Natural Programs
Today’s consumers are more aware than ever before. They want to know where their food comes from, how it is raised, and that is safe and wholesome for the entire family. Consumers are attracted to words like natural, hormone-free and antibiotic-free, and the beef industry has responded with branded programs to meet consumers’ demands. Although […]
How Nutrition Adds Value for Sellers and Buyers
As the leaves turn from green to crisp golds and yellows, it’s a reminder that fall weaning is right around corner. Many weaned calves will be making their way to feed lots across the Midwest. As the time comes to market calves, producers are always looking for ways to capture extra profit, and the buyers […]
What You Should Know: Three Things Buyers Consider
Information is power. In today’s world, more information is available than ever before on about any topic you have an interest in. For cattle buyers looking to fill their feedlots and backgrounding yards, three pieces of information are essential when it comes time to buy calves: vaccination history, genetic makeup and the nutrition program history. […]