When it comes to buying calves to background, both the risk and the reward should be considered. The beef business can be risky, but with careful planning and consideration, the potential returns can also be rewarding. Getting started with the right calves means making the right the buying decisions. According to long-time professional order buyer Charly […]
Category: Management Practices
The Importance of Balanced Nutrition
All nutrition programs are not created equally, and all nutrients included in a program are not created alike either. To that you all cheer a resounding amen! Various production stages require different minerals and vitamins for your beef cow herd to excel, depending on if you’re breeding, in gestation, lactation or growing out calves. With an emphasis on growing […]
Experienced Cattlemen Relies on Amaferm® Advantage 24/7
With nearly half a century in the cattle business, Steve Groves has learned from his experiences, both good and bad. But when he learned about the advantages that a precision prebiotic offered his herd from conception through weaning, that was one experience he wasn’t going to let slip away. In fact, he believes in the […]
A Guide to Grazing Wheat in 2021-22
Stockers and backgrounders typically rely on the high-quality nutrients found in wheat pasture to turn their calves out on for late fall and winter grazing. Wheat pasture is an economical source of gain throughout the Southern Plains and Midwest. However, there hasn’t been much typical about this year’s weather patterns. Due to an early onset of fall army […]
West Texas Rancher to be Featured on The American Rancher
Health and nutrition work synergistically to help livestock reach their optimum performance. That’s why Kevin Hamlin, Big Spring, Texas, relies on the Amaferm® advantage found in the Gain Smart® line to provide his calves what they need year-round. “It’s a 365-day a year job. They are living animals. You just can’t box them up and put ‘em in […]
How Producers can Add Value to their Bottom Line
Added value is everywhere you look. Buy a fishing pole, the store adds in some tackle and a box. Go to the grocery store, and the meat case already has fajita meat and veggies chopped up and marinated together; all you have to do is throw it on your grill. The kicker is, without realizing it, the […]
Making Weaning More Profitable
In a time of unpredictability in the cattle market, one thing remains predictable. The fewer days you have a calf on feed, the lower your input costs will be. With a great percentage of cow-country covered by drought, higher feed costs and a volatile market, finding profit in the cattle business is on top of mind […]
4 Tips for Marketing Stocker Cattle
Pocketing the most profit potential is the goal of producers; but staying profitable can be challenging. Programs exist to give producers the most opportunities to reach the greatest potential. John Jeffrey, BioZyme® Inc. Feedlot-Stocker Business Development Manager, and Jason Barber, Superior Livestock Purebred Division Manager, recently discussed some marketing tips on a recent Gain Smart® Money Savings Minute. Read on for […]
Grazing Recommendations to Beat Springtime Stressors and Increase Profits
Spring will be here before you know it. It might not feel or look like it, depending on your part of the country, but spring is coming. The recent heavy snows and rains in much of the country in late February, followed by a warmup, is a combination that is sure to bring on some […]
Money matters: Off-sets Costs with Mineral Program
For every livestock producer providing the best care possible to their animals is a top priority. However, providing that care while being able to maintain a positive bottom line is crucial to the success of his or her operation, just like it is in any business. As we face uncertain economic times and higher grain […]