Wheat Pasture Offers Grazing Alternative for Stockers

Wheat Pasture Stockers and backgrounders typically rely on the high-quality nutrients found in wheat pasture to turn their calves out on for late fall and winter grazing. Wheat pasture is an economical source of gain throughout the Southern Plains and Midwest.  Although the wheat hasn’t been planted yet, it will be soon. In typical years, […]

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calf weight gain per day

How to Optimize Calf Weight Gain Per Day  

Calf Weight Gain Per Day Several factors can influence calf weight gain per day on your herd post-weaning. Breed makeup, genetics, management and nutrition all play a role in the growth and performance that your cattle experience. All of those things you, as the producer or feeder, have control over.  For beef cattle, a general […]

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when to wean calves

When to Wean Calves 

Weaning calves is a critical process in cattle management. Deciding when to wean calves is dependent on several factors, including the breed of cattle, production goals, cow-calf health and environmental conditions.   At BioZyme®, we believe in care that comes full circle. There is no other time that calves feel as much stress as at weaning. […]

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best cattle feed for weight gain

The Best Cattle Feed for Weight Gain  

For every 25 producers reading this blog, there will be 25 different opinions on how to manage and feed calves for the best return on investment. That’s because there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The best cattle feed for weight gain depends on various factors, including the age and breed of the cattle, their nutritional requirements, […]

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naturally raised cattle

Nutrition is Key to Raising All-Natural Cattle

Today’s consumers are more aware than ever before. They want to know where their food comes from, how it was raised and if it is safe and wholesome for the entire family. Consumers value words like all-natural, hormone-free and antibiotic-free. The beef industry has responded with branded programs to meet consumers’ demands. The goal: all-natural cattle. […]

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Quality Nutrition is a Great Alternative for Antibiotics for Cattle 

The average consumer is no longer average. Grandmothers no longer leave their butter dishes on the countertops or thaw their meat in the sink in white-wrapped paper. They even make sure to refrigerate their eggs.   Today, the majority of grocery shoppers are women, 68% in fact, and fall between the ages of 24 and 49. […]

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Eating Right is Important for Cattle, Too

Fourth in a Series based on 1980s Ads Featuring BioZyme® Founder   Who doesn’t enjoy a properly prepared, balanced meal? For some, an ideal dinner might include a juicy, grilled steak packed with zinc, iron, protein, amino acids and multiple B vitamins, a green leafy salad filled with fiber, Vitamins A & C, a baked potato, that […]

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Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: What is the Difference?

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Beef Technical Sales Manager, BioZyme® Inc.  Global food demands continue to outpace available resources. Consequently, producers are continually asked to “do more with less” as urban sprawl, regulations and consumer concerns continue to add pressure to the agricultural industry. Animal performance is a major influence on profitability and achieving those extra pounds […]

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The Importance of Reading a Mineral Tag

Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Beef Technical Sales Manager   Information is power. However, if you don’t use the information in front of you, you could remain powerless. That is why it is important to know how to read the tag that comes on mineral bags and what to do with all that information to best determine […]

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