Cattle Weight Gain Supplement Soon, if not already, calves will be turned out to grass. The end goal – healthy, efficient pounds. Gain Smart® is a cattle weight gain supplement that can help producers achieve that goal, and we know that because we have the research to prove it. The Benefits of a Cattle Weight […]
Tag: gain smart wheat
The Best Cattle Feed for Weight Gain
For every 25 producers reading this blog, there will be 25 different opinions on how to manage and feed calves for the best return on investment. That’s because there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The best cattle feed for weight gain depends on various factors, including the age and breed of the cattle, their nutritional requirements, […]
Peel: Cattle Business Looks Brighter Moving into 2022
For cattle producers looking for a little good news in the future, look no further than the first part of 2022. Although challenges will exist – drought, cost of gain, labor shortages – enough changes are happening to help, especially those in the stocker sector. Derrell Peel, Endowed Professor of Agricultural Economics at Oklahoma State […]
A Guide to Grazing Wheat in 2021-22
Stockers and backgrounders typically rely on the high-quality nutrients found in wheat pasture to turn their calves out on for late fall and winter grazing. Wheat pasture is an economical source of gain throughout the Southern Plains and Midwest. However, there hasn’t been much typical about this year’s weather patterns. Due to an early onset of fall army […]
West Texas Rancher to be Featured on The American Rancher
Health and nutrition work synergistically to help livestock reach their optimum performance. That’s why Kevin Hamlin, Big Spring, Texas, relies on the Amaferm® advantage found in the Gain Smart® line to provide his calves what they need year-round. “It’s a 365-day a year job. They are living animals. You just can’t box them up and put ‘em in […]
Defining the Stocker Business
The cattle business can easily be broken into three distinct segments: the cow-calf enterprise, stocker operators and feeders. Most people are familiar with the first and last phases: cow-calf producers are visible at sales and with their newborn calves along country roads. The feeders are also fairly obvious, with massive feedlots full of cattle growing […]
How to Choose the Best Mineral for Stocker Cattle on Pasture
When it comes to backgrounding your cattle and keeping them healthy, there are a lot of choices that exist. All of the options might make your head spin, but look no further than the Gain Smart® line to produce healthy, efficient pounds. Gain Smart is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle with the Amaferm® advantage that promotes […]
Money matters: Off-sets Costs with Mineral Program
For every livestock producer providing the best care possible to their animals is a top priority. However, providing that care while being able to maintain a positive bottom line is crucial to the success of his or her operation, just like it is in any business. As we face uncertain economic times and higher grain […]
Don’t Take Risk with Your Feeding Program
Risk. It’s a term everyone in the livestock business is familiar with. But why take additional risk on sets of already high-risk calves that you plan to background and sell? With a premium nutrition program that jump-starts their feed and water intake and keeps them eating and growing, you can put that extra risk behind […]