Selecting the Best Pasture Grass to Plant in Spring 

Now that you have determined the best grass for cattle grazing, you will want to maintain those pastures to your optimum. Although it would be nice if the grass could just replenish itself, that just does not happen. Part of good land stewardship is planting and maintaining new growth of grasses on a regular basis. 

Spring is often thought of as a season of growth and new life, so what better time to plant grass? Choosing the best pasture grass to plant in spring depends on several factors, including your location, soil type, climate and intended use (grazing or hay production). 

At BioZyme®, makers of Gain Smart® and VitaFerm® vitamin and mineral supplements, we know that cattle producers rely on pastures for their nutritional and forage needs. It’s vital to both the cattle and the land to have proper pasture management for long-term sustainability. That’s why we created this guide to help you make the best choice about the best pasture grass to plat in spring. 

Best Pasture Grass to Plant in Spring 

Before you plant pasture grass in the spring, consider several factors including your particular climate and hardiness zone, soil type and pH, and drought resistance. Determine if the grass is a perennial – returns each year—or annual—needs replanting annually.  

We’ve listed a few of the best pasture grass to plant in spring. Remember, this list is not all-inclusive, and every grass is not suitable for every region. Check with a local agronomist or range management specialist if you have specific questions. 

Cool-Season Grasses  

Cool-season grasses are best for northern regions or cooler climates. These grasses typically excel in spring and fall.  

  • Kentucky Bluegrass – Excellent for grazing but slow to establish. 
  • Orchardgrass – Fast-growing, shade-tolerant and good for hay and grazing. 
  • Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue – Hardy, drought-resistant and suitable for various livestock. 
  • Timothy Grass – Great for hay. 
  • Perennial Ryegrass – Quick germination, good for cool seasons but less drought-tolerant. 

Warm-Season Grasses  

Warm-season grasses are ideal for the northern regions or warmer climates, as their name implies. These grasses thrive in the heat of summer.  

  • Bermudagrass – Heat- and drought-tolerant, ideal for hay and grazing. 
  • Bahiagrass – Low-maintenance, good for grazing in hot climates. 
  • Sudangrass & Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids – Fast-growing for rotational grazing or hay. 
  • Switchgrass – Good for erosion control and pasture in warm areas. 

Tips for Planting Pasture Grass in Spring  

Once you determine if you are plating cool-season or warm-season grasses will determine the best time for planting. Local climate conditions also play a factor in the timing.  

Avoid planting in overly wet or dry soil. Prepare the seedbed with proper tilling and fertilizing, for better seed establishment. If reseeding an existing pasture, choose fast-germinating species like ryegrass for early cover. Finally, avoid planting cool-season grasses too early in spring if there’s a risk of late frost. 

Tips for Planting Cool-Season Grasses  

The ideal spring planting time for cool-season grasses is early spring, March to May. Otherwise, you will need to wait until the weather cools again and plant in early fall, August to October, before the frost. The cool-season grasses establish better in cooler temperatures and moderate rainfall. Spring planting should occur when the soil temperature reaches a minimum of 50-65° Fahrenheit. 

Tips for Planting Warm-Season Grasses  

As you might expect, warm-season grasses need the heat to thrive and survive, so you will ideally want to plant in early summer, April to June. They need both warmer weather and warmer soil, at least 60-75° Fahrenheit, to germinate properly. 

The Final Word 

No matter what types of grasses you plant, be sure to implement a grazing management strategy that maximizes your pasture potential. In addition to using grazing systems like rotational grazing, you can also feed a vitamin and mineral supplement like Gain Smart, for stocker cattle that promotes healthy, economical gain.  

Gain Smart offers 4 different free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement formulas to fit any feeding scenario. All formulas consist of the following:    

  • Include organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.    
  • Provide nutritional support for a healthy immune system.    

The 4 Gain Smart formulas for stocker cattle include:     

  • Next, Gain Smart Stocker HEAT®, which maximizes efficient gain when temperatures are above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Contains HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils and garlic, to support animals when heat and insects are a challenge.    
  • Finally, Gain Smart Stocker Balancer RU1600 maximizes efficient gain and balances high-grain diets when mixing TMR rations. It includes rumensin for improved feed efficiency.    

Get your Cattle Gaining the Smart Way Today!    

Have we convinced you that Gain Smart powered by Amaferm is the best way to supplement cattle? We hope so! We also hope that we have helped you select the best pasture grass to plant in spring. 

The Amaferm in the Gain Smart supplements helps calves absorb and digest the nutrients in all grasses and feedstuffs. Furthermore, it contains balanced vitamins and minerals to help your calf perform. The Gain Smart HEAT formula contains technology to help mitigate heat stress.  

Finally, research proves that cattle fed Gain Smart powered by Amaferm gain .25 pounds more per day. That’s something to get excited about!  

Now that you know about Gain Smart, you can get your calves gaining today.    

Gain Smart is available at any of our local authorized BioZyme Dealers. Locate the dealer nearest you.     

Would you like to receive more information about keeping your cattle gaining healthy, efficient pounds? Sign up for our newsletter.   

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