Profitability Starts with Faster Gains

Profitability should be the goal to every business enterprise. How you obtain that profit can be tricky, especially in agriculture; however, when your plan works and you attain your goals, satisfaction is achieved.  “Sometimes it goes good, and sometimes I want to pull my hair out.”   That sentiment shared by cattleman Dakota Dalrymple of Enterprise, […]

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Producers have Opportunities to Maximize Returns

The cattle business is filled with risks. However, for all the uncertainty there are an ample amount of opportunities available for those producers who manage their risks and plan accordingly. With so many external influencers in the cattle market such as the environment, the recession and a pandemic, it might seem daunting to plan for […]

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How One Stocker Operator Minimized Medicine Cost and Maximized Return

Farms and ranches passed down from generation to generation, with the younger generation learning from the one before them is just one part of the agricultural legacy. Working together every day to make the land and animals more efficient for the future generations is the other part of that legacy. Howard Cattle Co., at Waurika, […]

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Grazing Time Equates Gaining Time

When cattle are not grazing, they are not gaining. There’s nothing simpler to understand than that when it comes to basic animal husbandry and care. For Wyoming rancher and manager of the Rattle Snake Grazing Association Dusty Citron, keeping them eating and putting on pounds is key to success.  Citron manages about 1,000 yearlings and […]

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A Guide to Low-Stress Shipping

The cool, crisp mornings are a hint that fall is just around the corner. And for cattle operations, that means one thing – shipping time is quickly approaching. Shipping your cattle might seem like an easy task. Get them penned up, load them up and send them on their way. However, keeping your calves healthy and as low-stress as possible during this […]

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Every Animal has Value: Keeping Cull Calves Profitable

Each fall when you go to market with your weaned calves, it seems like there are a handful of outliers in your calf crop that could cost you some premiums. But don’t dismay; there are ways to find value for every calf that you’ve produced; it might just take some extra time or some different […]

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Turning Pastures into Profit Doesn’t Have to be a Gamble

“You’ve got to know when to hold ’em; know when to fold ’em.” If the lyrics of this age-old Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler” sound familiar to you, you might be in the cattle business. But, with proper planning, adequate resources and some helpful advice, you can reduce the gamble, and turn existing pasture land […]

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How to Prepare a Health Management Plan for your Stockers

Just like any group of livestock you are handling, you need a solid health management plan for your stocker cattle. After being freshly weaned from their mamas or hauled in by a semi, these young, stressed cattle can be more susceptible to sickness than older calves. Knowing what kind of cattle you’ll be getting and […]

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VitaFerm Gain Smart

How Nutrition Adds Value for Sellers and Buyers

As the leaves turn from green to crisp golds and yellows, it’s a reminder that fall weaning is right around corner. Many weaned calves will be making their way to feed lots across the Midwest. As the time comes to market calves, producers are always looking for ways to capture extra profit, and the buyers […]

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What You Should Know: Three Things Buyers Consider

Information is power. In today’s world, more information is available than ever before on about any topic you have an interest in. For cattle buyers looking to fill their feedlots and backgrounding yards, three pieces of information are essential when it comes time to buy calves: vaccination history, genetic makeup and the nutrition program history. […]

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