Wheat Pasture Stockers and backgrounders typically rely on the high-quality nutrients found in wheat pasture to turn their calves out on for late fall and winter grazing. Wheat pasture is an economical source of gain throughout the Southern Plains and Midwest. Although the wheat hasn’t been planted yet, it will be soon. In typical years, […]
Tag: Gain Smart
How to Optimize Calf Weight Gain Per Day
Calf Weight Gain Per Day Several factors can influence calf weight gain per day on your herd post-weaning. Breed makeup, genetics, management and nutrition all play a role in the growth and performance that your cattle experience. All of those things you, as the producer or feeder, have control over. For beef cattle, a general […]
How to Remedy a Calf Not Gaining Weight
Calf Not Gaining Weight Summer stress is no joke. Especially with fresh-weaned calves that are pulled off their mamas, turned out on the grass, and expected to gain and grow during the hottest months of the year. You might have noticed in your regular pasture checks that you have a calf not gaining weight as […]
When are the Best Days to Wean Calves?
Gather around the local coffee shop to visit with a long-time farmer or cattle producer. Topics of conversation will jump from the weather, news from uptown and the neighborhood, planting season, and the best days to wean calves. You will likely get as many opinions as there are coffee cups sitting on the tables. One […]
When to Wean Calves
Weaning calves is a critical process in cattle management. Deciding when to wean calves is dependent on several factors, including the breed of cattle, production goals, cow-calf health and environmental conditions. At BioZyme®, we believe in care that comes full circle. There is no other time that calves feel as much stress as at weaning. […]
Gain Smart®: An Ideal Cattle Weight Gain Supplement
Cattle Weight Gain Supplement Soon, if not already, calves will be turned out to grass. The end goal – healthy, efficient pounds. Gain Smart® is a cattle weight gain supplement that can help producers achieve that goal, and we know that because we have the research to prove it. The Benefits of a Cattle Weight […]
The Best Cattle Feed for Weight Gain
For every 25 producers reading this blog, there will be 25 different opinions on how to manage and feed calves for the best return on investment. That’s because there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The best cattle feed for weight gain depends on various factors, including the age and breed of the cattle, their nutritional requirements, […]
A Guide to Heat Stress Treatment in Cattle
Heat Stress Treatment in Cattle Heat stress in cattle—it’s no joke. As spring gives way to warmer days and summer is on the horizon, temperatures are on the rise. Producers and backgrounders are going to have to think about both the prevention and treatment of heat stress in their operations. Although prevention is always preferred […]
How to Treat Heat Stress in Cattle
Heat Stress in Cattle As cattle producers, when the temperature rises, you begin to feel the pressure of keeping the herd healthy and performing. The warmer it gets outside, the more your herd runs the risk of decreased performance, increased sickness and, ultimately, economic losses. Put yourself in the shoes of the stocker operator, this […]
A Guide to BioZyme’s Stress Tubs for Cattle
Stress tubs for cattle are a convenient and effective way to deliver essential minerals and nutrients to the herd, especially during periods of stress or nutritional deficiencies. At BioZyme®, we specialize in making stress tubs in our VitaFerm® line of nutritional supplements for beef cattle that maximize energy and forage utilization for successful production. Let’s […]