Tips for Marketing Feeder Calves

As Summer slowly gives way to Fall, the daylight hours get shorter each day. It also means time is nearing for those who graze and background calves to finalize their marketing strategy for the year. Several marketing options exist for those who have backgrounded their calves. They can sell them privately, take them to the […]

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Every Animal has Value: Keeping Cull Calves Profitable

Each fall when you go to market with your weaned calves, it seems like there are a handful of outliers in your calf crop that could cost you some premiums. But don’t dismay; there are ways to find value for every calf that you’ve produced; it might just take some extra time or some different […]

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How to Keep Stockers Gaining Through Summer Heat

After a long cold winter and an overly wet spring, summer might seem like a welcome change. However, the season doesn’t come without its fair share of challenges, especially if you’re grazing stockers. As a stocker operator, you’re going to be confronted with the heat, the possibility of grazing on fescue, flies and the potential […]

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A Guide to Reduce Heat Stress in Stocker Operations

As cattle producers, when the temperature rises, you begin to feel the pressure of keeping the herd healthy and efficient. The warmer it gets outside, the more your herd runs the risk of decreased performance, increased sickness and ultimately economic losses. And when you put yourself in the shoes of the stocker operator, this pressure […]

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Seeing is Believing When it Comes to Healthy Calves

For one progressive cattleman, seeing is believing. And seeing a program on RFD-TV several years ago, has made a difference in the way Tom Carter, Reidsville, North Carolina, backgrounds and markets cattle. Carter buys 300 head of calves throughout the year that he backgrounds on grass, hay and mineral. He puts the calves together and […]

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Summer Gains are Possible

Summertime. For cattle producers the season means turning cows out to green grass, having cows bred, and backgrounding weaned calves. However, expecting young calves to gain in extreme conditions can sometimes be a challenge. That’s why providing them with the best nutrition possible is imperative during this most stressful time of their lives. “During that […]

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Using Nutrition as a Tool in Your Program

Being a backgrounder, cattle feeder or cow-calf producer is more than a job, more than a hobby and more than a way of life. For many people it can be classified as their job or their passion, but at the end of the day, it is also an investment. And, with any investment, isn’t your […]

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Getting Your Stockers Prepared for Turn Out

Stocker calves can be a good investment and are a great source of converting available forage into protein. However, those producers who plan to run stockers need to be prepared with good health, nutrition and vaccination protocols in place before the first calf steps off the truck. There are two critical time periods for the […]

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How Nutrition Works to Amplify Your Animals’ Health

Health and nutrition. To some livestock producers these terms might seem like the “chicken and egg” expression, and leave you wondering which one came first. Do you amplify your nutrition program to get your animals to perform to their highest potential? Or does a high-quality nutrition program help keep your animals healthy and therefore performing? […]

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