tall fescue hay

The Value of Tall Fescue Hay in Cattle Nutrition 

The United States is an ideal location for stocker cattle operations, thanks to its diverse and abundant forage resources. From the cool-season grasses of the Midwest to the warm-season varieties in the South, the country’s vast grazing lands provide year-round nutrition for growing cattle. This versatility in forage options allows producers to raise stocker cattle […]

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best days to wean calves

When are the Best Days to Wean Calves? 

Gather around the local coffee shop to visit with a long-time farmer or cattle producer. Topics of conversation will jump from the weather, news from uptown and the neighborhood, planting season, and the best days to wean calves. You will likely get as many opinions as there are coffee cups sitting on the tables.   One […]

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when to wean calves

When to Wean Calves 

Weaning calves is a critical process in cattle management. Deciding when to wean calves is dependent on several factors, including the breed of cattle, production goals, cow-calf health and environmental conditions.   At BioZyme®, we believe in care that comes full circle. There is no other time that calves feel as much stress as at weaning. […]

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cattle weight gain supplement

Gain Smart®: An Ideal Cattle Weight Gain Supplement 

Cattle Weight Gain Supplement Soon, if not already, calves will be turned out to grass. The end goal – healthy, efficient pounds. Gain Smart® is a cattle weight gain supplement that can help producers achieve that goal, and we know that because we have the research to prove it.  The Benefits of a Cattle Weight […]

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stress tubs for cattle

A Guide to BioZyme’s Stress Tubs for Cattle 

Stress tubs for cattle are a convenient and effective way to deliver essential minerals and nutrients to the herd, especially during periods of stress or nutritional deficiencies. At BioZyme®, we specialize in making stress tubs in our VitaFerm® line of nutritional supplements for beef cattle that maximize energy and forage utilization for successful production.  Let’s […]

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Set your Calves up for Grazing Success

There’s no better time of year than spring when the grass is turning green, and you are getting ready to turn out cattle. Regardless of if you are weaning your own calves or buying stockers to turn out, you will want to make their transition away from a milk-based diet and onto a forage-based diet […]

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Making Weaning More Profitable

In a time of unpredictability in the cattle market, one thing remains predictable. The fewer days you have a calf on feed, the lower your input costs will be. With a great percentage of cow-country covered by drought, higher feed costs and a volatile market, finding profit in the cattle business is on top of mind […]

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Profitability Starts with Faster Gains

Profitability should be the goal to every business enterprise. How you obtain that profit can be tricky, especially in agriculture; however, when your plan works and you attain your goals, satisfaction is achieved.  “Sometimes it goes good, and sometimes I want to pull my hair out.”   That sentiment shared by cattleman Dakota Dalrymple of Enterprise, […]

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Don’t Risk Your Calves’ Health, Start with Good Nutrition

Cattle feeding is a precarious business, especially when you’re getting in high-risk cattle and hoping to put as much gain on them as you can in about 120 days. A father-son joint venture between Chad and Coleman Ladd, 2CL Feeders LLC, in Madisonville, Kentucky, has found that supplementing their calves with a premium nutrition program has helped increase both their overall health status […]

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